Monday, June 9, 2008

Anthropology Class Discussion - Race Relations

Well I have to say my Anthropology class in college is pretty interesting. For Chapter 4 we are discussing "Race". We are replying to the question "How is the concept of "race" a cultural construct and why do we still hear the term used?"

One student wrote this:
"This is a touchy subject to most people even though it should not be. yes i am white and i have been that way all of my life. the music out today that glorifies the fact that each race has to act a certain way does not help the smoothing out of the race line either. race is always going to be a factor because we as people make judgements on what we see, skin color, but the education of all people can make a better working society."

To which another student wrote this:
"Its not that its a touchy subject, but is an important issue to discuss. But on te other hand you may not see it as touchy subject or a big deal due to the fact that you are white and the chances of you getting racially profiled are slim to none. For instance when you hear rich people say money isnt important, well of course it isnt to them, they have it so it nothing to ever worry about. The same thing goes to racism, prejudice, and inequality, if it has never happened to you or its not something that is likely to happen to you, then of course you wouldnt see if as a problem. But unless you are living under a rock and dont watch your daily news, it is a very important topic and no matter what a lot of us may think, there are still people out there that believe and act as if they are superior to other people based on the color of his or her skin. And in the end that affects us ll especially if those are the same people that are making important decisions for the rest of the world. Im not mad, or getting on you or anything, I just wanted to inform you that thins may not seem as touchy or significant to you if it doesnt invlove you, but believe it or not peoples "race" affects them everyday, regarding getting a job, a home loan, a college loan. So it does mater."

Another student wrote:
I know what you're saying. That's a good point of comparing it to rich people. Take a millionaires money away and ask them how important it is LOL

I think everyone of every color and nationality has experienced some degree of racism. Just because someone is white doesn't mean they are immune to racism. There are situations in some parts of the country where whites are a minority, but they can't claim minority status. They are rejected by the majority as well. I've had it happen several times. It's not right to assume all whites are racist. I can't be held accountable for what someone did in the past who just happens to be the same color as me. I can only be accountable for my own actions and strive to do what's right. I just happen to be fascinated by people of all colors, nationalities, religions and it just amazes me how sometimes people might think just cause I'm white I'm racist. That's unfair. And please don't think I'm referring all this to you cause I'm not. I'm speaking in generality. Being bigoted is a problem with alot of people, not just one particular color. And take for example the fact that there's ALOT of scholarships I can't apply for because I'm not a particular color or nationality. Things like this are an issue to everyone to varying degrees.

It is a touchy subject in the sense that alot of people get really fired up over it. Sometimes you can't express your opinion without it becoming an all out fight. Which I'm hoping does not result from this."

And finally another student wrote:
"I think you make a very interesting point from the other side of a common racial issue in America. I am labeled "white" (although I have so many nationalities in my ancestry, I find it an arbitrary title!) and while there are many issues I don't have to deal with, I'm often surprised by how many I encounter because people assume I feel a certain way because I'm white. I grew up in an open-minded household, and have friends of many nationalities. I currently work as a secretary at a church in Decatur that has over 60 nationalities that attend the congregation. We will often have people come in seeking monetary assistance, and we have a fund for that. However, the fund always runs out before the end of the month and we end having to tell some people no. I have had several occassions where people end up screaming at me accusing me of not assisting them because they are of certain "race". They assume that because I'm not the same race, that's why they don't get any money, no matter how many times I explain it. It's very sad and difficult for me sometimes, because it hurts me that someone thinks I'm that shallow. I try to remember they've probably had numerous instances where that was the reason they were treated poorly and they may be more sensitive about it."

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