Friday, July 24, 2009

Gates - Obama - Police

It's been quite awhile since I've gone off on my impression of Obama. Mostly because he continues to appall me whenever I do manage to turn the television on. I have always, and still do, think that Obama is some sort of puppet for key government officials. I don't consider him the "Savior to Mankind". I became quite frustrated with my "fellow American's" who bought into the whole "hope" and "change" and "Yes we can" rhetoric and failed to look at the facts regarding Obama. I mean, could you imagine the outrage if there was ANY question regarding President Bush's natural citizenship? Could you imagine the outrage if there was credible question into the authenticity of Bush's birth certificate? And lawsuit after lawsuit asking Bush to produce a live and valid copy of his birth certificate (& to answer questions that still lingered) and the Supreme Court itself refused to involve itself? The left would SWEAR that there was a conspiracy and all hell would break loose. I've heard it proposed that the Supreme Court feared that Obama WOULD be ineligible to be president and throwing him out would create riots and a literal civil war. Well, isn't that special.

So I've basically tried to stay away from the news and television in general. Mostly because I'm so busy. But it's hard to avoid the headlines that pop up all over the internet about the foolishness that Obama pulls out of his butt almost daily. At least people are starting to take more notice regarding the facts and are less hung up on the "celebrity" of the left media. Sorry to say ladies and gentlemen: Too late.

So now we have a president that involves himself in matters of the police departments on a local level. Great. And God forbid anyone arrests a "friend" of his. The slander that follows later is absurd! Suddenly, it's all about racism.

Racism. That's such an ugly word. Yes, racism still occurs. But it's not 100% white against black. It occurs between all groups. No one group is innocent. But to assume that because you are being questioned about breaking into this house... which did not go unnoticed by one of this guys neighbors... the police played safe than sorry. Maybe this Gates character was tired after his trip. Who knows? But to suddenly and immediately call this racism is beyond me. Even Obama admitted he did not know all the facts of the case, but the police just "had" to be acting "stupidly". WTH? Why? Cause it was his friend? Mr. President, with all due respect, you are an idiot. Did your teleprompter tell you to say that? Seems without the all knowing teleprompter, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

I don't doubt for a second that the job of the police is difficult. And I'm sure it's scary at times. If Gates was confronted by the police after making his way into his "stately" home without a key, shouldn't he feel grateful that there are officers willing to risk their own safety to make sure Gates' home is safe? Oh no! The officers are racists. Again, WTH?!

Even the black cop who was with the white officer agreed that Gates was behaving suspiciously. So what are the police to do now? Only have black officers confront black suspects? White officers only confront white suspects? I don't know what goes through Gates' mind, but I think it makes ALOT of people look bad. And let's add in his all-powerful, all-knowing friend Barack Obama to make things worse. Of all the things screwed up in the country, Obama has to run his mouth about stuff he admits he doesn't know much about.

Comments recently posted on the Boston Herald's website in response to this story are mixed. Here are a few:

DWorth: Without racism Gates doesn't have a job. He saw a cop and there was no way he was going to pass up a chance to provoke him. are the problem. The cop did the right thing.

BeTrueSeekTruth: Its a clear abuse of power. Since the patriot act, police have been schooled that every citizen is a potential terrorist, especially when they refuse to grovel and even hint at their constitutional rights. Remember that leading politicians and elitists feel that the constitution is just a "g** d*** piece of paper. Face it, we're living in a police state here in what used to be the land of the free.

(This bonehead obviously has never had his home broken into. Yeah, God forbid police have absolute probable cause. In fact, they were CALLED to the home by a neighbor witnessing the incident! What were they supposed to do? Not respond?)

eclair: I think a big component here other than race, is the whole Ivy league arrogance I'm a Harvard professor, you are the lowly cop. I'm up here, you're down there. Ridiculous. This could have been so simple. Thanks for protecting my house and property, officer. Have a nice day.

nonelitist: Excellent M10. Exactly!!!..The black elitists at HaaaaaVaaaaad and the white ones there label all whites as racist and GET AWAY WITH IT!!..Can you picture if the HaaaaaVaaaaad staff labeled all blacks as fried chicken eating watermellon loving people???!!! This cop is being labeled racist just because he has white skin, He needs a good team of laywers and should sue the guts out of these clowns.

BonedawgStarStar: This is so far from over. The tapes are coming out. Skip Gates case is going in the toilet. Deval & Sharpton are already hiding under the bed and not taking Skip's calls. Obama is going to have to apoligize the Sgt Crowley and the Cambridge Police. Harvard Pres. Drew Faust will need to address Gates' actions, overreactions and then subsequent abuse of his position. Gates should then resign or be fired. These things just need to happen. They so messed with the wrong cop. Sgt. Crowley will someday somewhere be Commissioner Crowley. This is so not over.

(LOL Ooooook)

lightdawns: What guts? These cowards that hide behinf the term racism everyrime something doesb't go their way HAVE NO GUTS Let's sue their say, asses off there seems to be plenty of them around


Sick_of_it_all: Sgt Crowley should get on CNN & the like & give his side of the story. Even the President made it sound one sided. Gates is an opportunist jerk. He's the racist here. Not Crowley. And now he has the audacity to make money off this situation. That's all you need to know.

morriseyblvd: This is going to cost Obama dearly. Hey Police Unions - Wake up! Obama is not your friend.

(Unfortunately, this is not true. Obama is still the messiah to so many. He forever has immunity!)

FOLEY9482: Prof. Gates found this to be the perfect example for his classroom of racist bias. This incident isn't about black or white it is about being Blue. The police officer did what he was trained to do, and kept himself and his fellow officers safe.

(Right on!)

JohnnyRetard: Here's my racist story. One Christmas day while visiting my hometown, I saw a black woman in a car with a flat tire at a closed service station. In this predominantly white neighborhood, I should have left immediately, knowing this was a racial incident in the making. However, I threw caution to the wind and exited my car (in a suit, tie, white shirt and dress shoes). I asked whether she needed assistance. She explained her tire was flat and wanted to get it changed, but couldn't find an open service station. I then asked whether she had a spare. She did. I then offered to change it for her. She looked back at me (all dressed up) and strenuously argued that I'd get all dirty. No problem, it was changed in about 10 minutes. When she offered compensation, I declined ... Madam, it's Christmas. Oh, did I mention it was raining? I apologize to all my white brothers and siters for crossing "the line" and possibly having offended them. I'll be taking senstivity classes from Sgt. Crowley next week given that I falied to rotate & balance her tires, wash & wax the car, or even buy her a new one. Remember, healing begins with forgiveness.

(That was actually a nice story. I'm happy he was there to help her out!! Regardless of color!)

murraygm359: In order to be a successful educator, you must look at the world through the eyes of the student....something Professor Gates has shown he is totally incapable of doing. He instead has proven to be an opportunist, elitist, and even slanderer. He is "shocked" that a police officer, responding to a B and E in progress(putting himself at great risk), would actually question persons on the scene. How could anyone with a modicum of common sense question a fundamental police inquiry? Sgt. Crowley was there, PROTECTING the Professor's property, and yet the supposedly esteemed gentleman can't even draw this most obvious and remedial conclusion. According to Professor Gates logic, any black man who is questioned is the target of then should every black man be immune from cooperation with law enforcement? Sadly, Gates is perpetuating the very stereotypes he has, apparently, worked to eliminate. It's time for Professor Gates to stop talking, look back on the incident with an unbiased eye, and become the student once more.

1 comment:

  1. I believe Obama's revealed his true racist's identity in the Gates remarks. How soon he forgot that the people he accused without evidence (the whites) were the very people who elected him. Of course, what would you expect from an illegal alien.
